Life has been hella crazy for me! great way to start 2011
I'm still living in Price Utah America, but no longer off campus.
I was living in a cute little apartment (that i couldn't afford) about a block away campus with nela.
but I've recently noticed that I have a stocker
...creep right?
I don't know how many times he broke in but I know once for sure.
and almost once when I was home. but nela wasn't having any of that.
She saved my life. and I love her an incredible amount... she is one of my babies.
Life has been really throwing me some curve balls.
Thanks life...
with work. How I hate it there.
with money.
with my landlord.
with my religious life.
I've decided that I need to become closer with my heavenly father again. How I miss him.
I went to church
Visited with my Bishop
Started reading my scriptures again.
and paid tithing.
I'm currently living in the dorms.
and I got a $5300 pell grant.
I'm so happy. and so blessed.
I don't believe this was all just coincidence
I believe it was my father in heaven.
Everything is going to be ok